I am the mom of young children, the oldest being almost 9 years of age. I have debated the whole “should she have a Facebook profile” question. Reality is, no she should not have a Facebook profile. I am a blogger, I am very active in social media, I am technology advanced, I am Internet savvy. I am aware that no online website whether social networking or a blog are “safe”, you can take all to keep yourself “private” but truth be told there is a way to get around that.
Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
No matter how “safe” you think you are online, if someone wants your information they will find it. Period.
So what is with all of these parents who have their children on Facebook at a young age? Why do they do it?
Some do it because their child has expressed an interest in what the parents are doing. Kids see adults doing things and they want in on that too. This is life, it happens. Kids always want to be older than what they are. I was that kid and I ended up being a kid who lived life faster than I should have. My kids? I will do all in my power to make sure they stay their age as long as possible, I am in no rush to let them “grow up”.
I get the whole “connect with family easier” idea when parents allow their younger child to have a Facebook profile, but do you realize when I was my daughter’s age I wasn’t wanting a social media profile page to connect with family. I was hand writing letters to my old teachers at my daughters age and I was hand writing letters to my Great Grandmother, who by the way is due a letter from me. To this day I try to update my Great Grandmother through a hand written letter or card.
What happened to good old fashioned hand written, snail mail letters to family to keep them posted on what’s new in our lives? It’s more personal, more private and gives your children penmanship practice.
So to answer my own question “is Facebook safe for kids?” I say “NO”. Flat out, point blank … NO Facebook is not safe for children. It is not safe because privacy is over rated online, cyber bullying is horrible and it’s hard to monitor all that your child is doing online without adding a social media account.
Do you agree with me or not? Tell me your story. I am curious about your opinion or story.
Related articles
- Minor controversy: Zuckerberg wants young kids on Facebook (news.cnet.com)
- Zuckerberg: Kids under 13 should be on Facebook (tech.fortune.cnn.com)

I totally agree with you. I do know that at some age my 8 year old will be old enough to be on Facebook and the like, but now is not the time. Privacy online is overrated, and I’m just not ready to turn her loose. I wouldn’t turn her loose at Six Flags at this age with a park full of strangers, nor would I do the same online where the strangers can hide behind anonymity to be all sorts of crazy. Let kids be kids while they still have the chance.
I believe there is a reason Facebook has set an age and I think parents teaching their kids that those rules mean nothing are simply asking for trouble. My kids will get a facebook account when they are 13 but only if they will give me their password. Then at some point it will transition to having it only if I ma their friend and able to see all their postings
I am wondering if it’s even safe for 13 year olds though. I really honestly can’t believe there is a valid reason for someone under 13 though for sure, seems a bit much! 🙂