The thought crosses my mind often and recently a blog friend Cindi wrote a post of interest to me & many others. It’s funny that the only reason I caught wind of this blog post Slip-Slidin’ Away was because she sent me a message on Facebook, even though I am an email subscriber to her blog … I missed this blog post. So first, thank you Cindi for that message on Facebook!
I have thought for a long time about what direction I wanted my blog to go, what I wanted to gain or share from this blog. Why did I start the blog in the first place? Now was originally and it was to be a blog to share all of my various ways I was making income from home in direct sales. I was a top notch sales person and team leader with just about every company I joined & sold products with. The problem was … as I started to “meet” other bloggers and read other blogs I realized blogging was about community, parenting stories, personal stories and so much more.
I also started to think more positive and had started some changes in my life and no longer could deal with trying to sell items to everyone. I wanted to be more, I could be more, so what was more?
I started this blogging venture in December 2008, along with a Twitter account @brandyellen and just moved forward. Whatever I put my mind to, I do 110% … always. The issue to me is that once you start blogging and you start getting out there that PR gets ahold of you, you start seeing that you can work with all of these great brands and you can test their products and make your family have material items they may need or want but you couldn’t afford to get on your own. Maybe it’s a new product you had never heard of and without your blog you wouldn’t have heard of it until it hit market. The experiences alone are awesome! However, you can still work with brands and keep to your personal tone or original mission for why you started blogging without “selling out” so to speak. I understand sometimes it’s simply just hard to say no after you have said yes.
For me, I have found that although I love product reviews and love hosting giveaways, this wasn’t my main purpose of starting a blog. I don’t want to be known as a review blogger or a giveaway blogger, I want to be known as someone who made a difference in one person, in one family and after that? A difference in the world! I know that I have what it takes to spread happiness and positive thinking skills all over the world. I know I have what it takes because I have been so far down, depressed, shy, low self esteem, barely able to love myself, I have been YOU and now I am ME.
If I could go from the painfully shy and anxious young adult (as well as child) to the person I am today after ALL I have been through, and yes I have been through more than you realize, then I say YOU CAN TOO. All it takes is a mind switch, a motivation for change and a personal decision to be more positive.
I can help you and I will help you! I will be doing some “house cleaning” on this blog and getting back to my mission in life, love and parenting while sharing my journey with you as well as tips. I will still be sharing blogging support and work at home support because after all being financially stable helps us stay positive, right?
I am not saying no to product reviews & giveaways, I am simply making a conscious choice to be more selective in the process of picking which campaigns I work on so as to not fill this site with all reviews & giveaways and little useful information, advice & tips. I have a lot to offer and I can’t wait to offer more of it!