So first bit of news is that Aj’s surgery went just fine yesterday. He will be taking adult dose of Tylenol and Motrin (alternated) to keep the pain down. Basically the surgery was to help him be able to pee better, and I won’t get in more details than that. It looks sore, and if I touch it when putting the ointment on it he isn’t too happy with me, but other than that he is active and getting back to his normal self. It was rather funny, they wanted him to stay in hospital to monitor him for about an hour after anesthesia but the boy was ready to jump up and go home almost immediately. No patience, apparently he is a male – he hates the hospital already at age four. {joking … sort of}
Being a Parent Means Looking at Yourself Sometimes
Being a parent is a learning experience every day. I don’t think there is one day that goes by that I am not learning something new or attempting to learn how to deal with a new situation. My son Aj has been going to counseling with us, except the counseling has more so been for us as parents than the four year old child.
When we first went into the counselors office we enjoyed the fact that he has compassion and is a parent himself. This made it easier to work with him on a weekly basis and be open & honest. We also knew that Aj’s behavior may just be a result of our inconsistency with him, but knowing bi-polar was a genetic possibility we didn’t want to wait any longer. I can’t say that bi-polar will be completely ruled out, but what I can say is that it seems Aj’s behavior which is extreme aggression or extreme happiness combined with hyperactivity seems to be learned behavior.
I admit to everyone {and always have admitted this} that I haven’t always been consistent with my sons, whereas I have been with my daughter who was an “easy” child all her life. I also kept comparing my son with my daughter – you can not compare two children, they are two different people. So it seems consistency needs to be stepped up and I need to actually mean what I say and say what I mean with the boys.
I am not a firm person by nature, I can do consistent but I can not do the stern, mean strict Mama, sorry – that will NEVER be me, but what I can do is set boundaries, limits and be consistent in keeping rules in the household.
Here’s to an all new journey of parenting … Mama letting go of the idea that she needs to baby her sons, and remembering they need consistency and boundaries to grow up to be a well wounded adult.

I’m so glad that all went well! Parenting is always so hard because the kids are constantly changing and keeping you on your toes!!
RT @brandyellen: Latest Blog Post: Surgery Went Well & Realizations (glad to hear)
Glad that your son is doing well.
I’m really glad the surgery went well too! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Parenting is hard, it’s hard for me and I’m not required to work like you are, so you make me look at my life to see how much more positive I could be. 😉 You’re a great example!
Thanks Louise. You are always so nice!