I think of a relationship just like parenting, every day is a learning experience. You see I never really had my eyes wide open in a relationship, I didn’t expect perfect but I was guilty of really focusing on that imperfection that my partner showed. I am far from perfect myself, so why would I make such a huge deal about my partner doing things that irritate me?
As we grow, each year we change as a person. Whether it is from education, experience or advice we all do grow internally and physically every single year. It would make sense that a relationship is much like parenting, a learning experience that we must not give up on. I admit, I am divorced, and so many followed along with that story, do you realize that I had more page-views and visits when I talked about divorce than I do when I talk about marriage?
What is that all about? Clearly our country has become obssesed with the idea of divorce and how easy society has made it for us to get out of our marriage. Do I feel I gave it my all? Of course I do, I personally feel that the ex didn’t give his all and that’s okay. I am entitled to my opinoin, however, there are times when I think back and realize I could have handled things and probably would have handled things differently had I some sleep, a clear mind and time to focus on my thought. Instead we both were victims of lack of sleep, which can make you think incorrectly and handle situations differently than you would with a clear mind and well rested soul.
I do not feel that divorce should be your first answer, and take this from a girl who went through it and is now thinking maybe it wasn’t the right decision. Hindsight is always 20/20 they say and this is why I am here to help you all take a moment and remember …. relationships are similar to parenting, they are a learning experience, each day we are faced with a situation or a challenge that we must come together as a couple and unite to make things better.
As with parenting, it takes two. It takes one person to be aware and bring the problem up to the front end, and it takes two people to openly communicate to resolve the problem at hand.