Of course it is known that how we are raised will effect how we handle all areas of life whether it be self esteem, relationships, parenting or similar, who our parents were with us as children growing up does play a factor in our issues as an adult. I know that when I turned 18 I was still much like my parents and those who had surrounded me, we are who we are around, this goes true for parents we are raised by. Once you become the age of an adult you now have the freedom to speak how you please, do what you please and become your own individual self.
When I turned 18 I was full of self esteem issues and other issues that I actually have only shared with a select few people. Some issues that are still in my subconscious have not even been shared with the closest of my family members. Even though I still have some unsettled problems with my past that have nothing to do with my parents, I was able to become who I am today.
I tend to be a people pleaser, I am the type who wants everyone to be smiling, this is not to say I want everyone to agree with me or I will just agree with others to keep the peace at all times. I am simply saying I enjoy making others happy and sometimes let myself stay on the back burner. This is a dangerous situation that can lead to problems down the road. One thing I have learned through tears, honesty and heart break is that I am who I am and I am the only person who makes me unique. No other person in this world has to like me, love me or want to be around me. I really do not care if you hate me, love me, like me or simply tolerate me.
I am confident. I know I am awesome. I know I am amazing. I know I am beautiful. I enjoy taking pictures of myself and seeing beauty in each picture, even though a small part of me wishes to critique it. If someone says something mean or downgrading to me, yeah it upsets me, I am human after all but I do not let it get to the core of who I am. You see unless someone has walked in the same shoes you have walked in and unless someone has taken the time to get to know YOU, then it doesn’t matter what anyone else wants to say, because after all YOU MAKE YOU.
Rock on with your bad self, you know you are awesome too!

I’m a people pleaser too…I understand
You are awesome!
Thanks Kelly! You are so sweet!