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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

12 thoughts on “Words I Do Not Allow”

  1. we don’t allow the words retarded or gay – though she is far too young to use those right now. But stupid and idiot will be on that list too as she gets older.

    1. Oh those are good words, haven’t come into play with them. My kids are 8, 4 and 2. It seems stupid, idiot and def shut up are famous, although my 8 year old will promptly correct her little brothers if they say shutup, because Mama says it is a bad word 😉

  2. You named most of the ones on my list. I have had so many on it, that I can not think of all of them at this time. But the “normal” ones mom’s don’t like to hear there kids say. Oh “Shut up”… I don’t like that. That is one on my list..

    1. OH yes, shut up is a BAD word here, my four year old seriously calls it a bad word, but Ki explains to him it’s not a “bad” word it’s just not a nice word and Mama doesn’t like that word being used because it is rude.

    1. That makes perfect sense. My children tend to use them towards people or things like that … mainly the BOYS .. they are mouths for sure!

  3. The only words I have a problem with are hate, retarded and gay. My 10 yo is Autistic so we fight the battle of using words we don’t understand A LOT. These three are the ones he uses the most and I simply try to reinforce what those words truly mean. My hope is he will understand how to properly use those words after he gains an understanding of what they mean.

    The 4 yo however seems to love words like jerk and jack ass (that one’s from his father!) but thankfully he’s shifting out of the latter and seems to use the former more. As long as I don’t get a call from the school, I’m good though. 😀

  4. hmmm, most of the words already mentioned here are no-no’s in our house. Anything hurtful, mean or ‘nasty’ is def. not allowed!

  5. “Sucks” drives me CRAZY and every time my boys go to their father’s house they come back talking about “this sucks” and “that sucks” and it makes me insane.

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