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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

17 thoughts on “Day 1: This Sucks & No Body Likes Me”

  1. Thanks for starting this series Brandy! I’m a very shy person and would love to hear what you have to say. I’m going to subscribe to your blog so I don’t miss a post.
    .-= Paula´s last blog ..Cafe Press Review and Giveaway =-.

  2. my husband went through a transformation where he use to be shy and now he is very outgoing (although he never did have panic attacks). I am looking forward to reading your story.
    .-= Kelly W´s last blog ..Brandy’s Battle =-.

  3. I can really relate to this. I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety all my life. I still struggle with it almost on a daily basis. I know I should be medicated, but due to lack of health insurance I am unable to do that right now.
    .-= Cascia@Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Getting Defiant Kids to Cooperate =-.

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MommaDJane, Alison Wright. Alison Wright said: RT @brandyellen It Started with Anxiety Disorder | Happily Blended […]

  5. So glad I read this post today. I have been in a funk today and a bit depressed. My issues are with making other real life women friends. I am looking forward to reading the rest of your series.
    .-= Sandy@TheMommysPlace´s last blog ..Tic Tac Toe Fun…..Check it Out =-.

  6. I watched “The Secret” every single day for 30 days. After 30 days I truly was a different person. I had anxiety issues, depression issues, I went off the deep end and pretty much destroyed my life (had an affair, left my husband, walked away from my career, started drinking… it was bad) It took 30 days of watching that movie for it to really “sink in”and now I practice those lessons every single day.

    Good luck on your journey, it is such an important event for you, and for your children.
    .-= Lynsey Jones´s last blog ..Monday Mingle – May 31, 2010 =-.

  7. I have suffered from depression and anxiety issues since I was a young girl myself. It can be so life consuming. Luckily I had a wonderful mother that sought out help for me. Today I am on several meds to control my anxiety/depression and for the most part they work. Thank you for sharing your story. ((hugs))
    .-= Andrea H´s last blog ..Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta | Review =-.

  8. This will a interesting series! Most people suffer from these things and many w/o even knowing & end up in a rut of bad thinking/things over & over. I know I have dealt w/depression on & off and constantly feeling I needed to ‘please” people to ‘like’ me.
    I look forward to reading the rest. thanks Brandy you always come up with great topics to read & learn from!
    .-= Faythe@GrammyMousetails´s last blog ..Brandy’s Battle, help for a friend in need =-.

  9. I can relate to this. Since 08 I’ve had real bad anxiety and such. It’s been better over the last two years but I still have my moments.
    .-= brandy´s last blog ..Little Tykes Adjust & Jam Basketball Set =-.

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