Being self employed means that you must, and I mean MUST stay focused, determined and yes keep yourself motivated! This can be hard for some people, especially busy parents who are working from home! Take it from my personal experience when you are not keeping yourself motivated and constantly marketing your product or services then you will find that you may end up losing money and find yourself stuck in a financial rut.
Every once in a while I get in a funk, and it’s not a huge funk per-say, however, it’s enough to make me realize I need to get my act in gear and start getting to marketing again. I have a marketing e-course, I run my virtual assistant business and yes even this blog along with a couple other places I write make money as well. I have slowly worked on removing some of my writing jobs from my current task load because they were revenue sharing programs and although brought in some tiny bit of extra revenue they were not bringing in enough to allow me to find time to write the articles.
I have found that when working from home you must do something you are passionate about in order to succeed the most. I am passionate about writing, organizing and secretarial skills. That is why I blog and became a virtual assistant. I could have become a virtual assistant that works for other virtual assistants, as most of us do outsource projects but I decided to register a Trade Name or Doing Business As license so that I could be my own boss and work for no one but myself. I do on occasion still work for other virtual assistants, and that’s cool because it does require less self motivation!
I am back in the game ready to get motivated, currently adjusted my virtual assistant services page on my website and was able to work on getting some more paid posts that fit the topics of this blog, eventually I will have my new blog up as a second place to write, who knows if I will end up making money from it, but it will at least allow me to write more freely knowing that it’s going to be a more open topic blog that hasn’t been shared with family members or similar people.
So when I find I have lost my self motivation I simply sit down, allow it to take some of my time and remove the negative that may be blocking my motivation and move forward knowing that what I am doing to be self employed is allowing my children to have more time with Mommy and that is what matters most to me.
Questions for Thought: What do you do when you have lost your motivation? Do you think like I do, about the reasons you do the work you do, or something else?
New Blog Post Self Motivation and Determination
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brandy. Brandy said: New Blog Post Self Motivation and Determination […]
Great article Brandy! I agree with you. I think that you have to be passionate about whatever you decide to pursue. I write children’s books that teach life lessons(as you already know). It makes me feel great that I can help children. Helping children makes me determined to succeed. Another benefit to my job is that I can work around my kids schedules just like you:)
I completely agree. As a licensed childcare provider I have to stay constantly motivated to provide quality care for the children as well as to continue studying for my Child Development Associate certification. If I’m going to succeed it’s up to me. Thank you for a great motivating post.
I seemed to have lost motivation – a lot actually lately in most areas of my life. I can definitely relate to this article. I think I need to sit down and look at my priorities and maybe re-evaluate some things.
.-= Laura´s last blog ..Who Am I? =-.