Something everyone struggles with from time to time is making more valuable family time and to me family has always come first, my children are my world! For a while I had become what I call plain lazy and I got used to being forced into working from home and having to make a living so that the bills were paid and I could save my home from foreclosure. Now that my home issues have been resolved and I still have my house I am working on refocusing my online money making efforts to be that of something that takes up less of my time.
I read a couple of articles on Sunday about blogging for business and the main points I gathered from the articles were:
- Blogging is NOT a business, it is a platform to sell your product whether the product is informative or a physical item that is how you make your money.
- Blog posts should not be taking up all of your time and sidebar ads along with Google Adsense are not going to create a revenue platform to live on.
- I need to get started on selling the knowledge I have through ebooks and e-courses as well as a possible bloggy buddy type program.
I am excited and happy that my mind is made up and those are the things I need to focus on and organize so that I can be more free to spend time with my children doing the activities we love to do together. Not to mention my virtual assistant business is going to start having some strict hours and I will be only taking on one additional client to my current work load to help keep income coming in but still making sure my weekends with the kids are free to focus on them and nothing else.
I am looking forward to refocusing my business efforts, my blogging efforts, my family and my life in general!
Questions for Thought: What are you doing in your life that seems to be taking up too much time? What will you do to change that and create a more proactive online experience so that you can make money but still have time for your family?
New Blog Post Refocusing My Efforts
RT @brandyellen Refocusing My Efforts | Happily Blended
Email! It takes up so much of my time. What I need to do is unsubscribe from some of the junk emails that I get that I either don’t have time to read or that I just don’t read anyway.
Great post as usual Brandy!