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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

10 thoughts on “You Can’t Please Them All”

  1. Great post. I used to be the same way. Pretty much just shut down. Writing has been the only way I truely feel comfortable letting stuff out. It works for me, too 😉 I have thought I was following you all along, but I guess not. I am on twitter! Stopping by from SITS and hope you have a great day 🙂
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..What’s For Dinner? =-.

  2. Another great post.

    I especially like your comment “I wonder why so many adults can’t seem to live the way they try to teach their children to live?”

    That is something I see almost daily and I always find myself asking that same question.

  3. All my life I have battled with trying to please everyone and I too have learned that it’s just not possible. Great post Brandy!

  4. Brandy, my now-deleted comments on your term paper post were not to draw attention to myself. I am a librarian and I spend a great deal of my time trying to teach students not to plagiarize. You speak in this post of teaching our children to be honest, yet you are promoting with a link a service that lets people pay them to cheat in school. Now, it occurs to me that perhaps that link was auto-inserted by your advertising agreements. Since you said it was a sponsored post, I thought that meant it was the term paper service that sponsored it. If I was wrong, I apologize. But even if that link was unintentional on your part, your post says you hope you can find someone to write your term papers for you. Do you want your children to read that when they’re in junior high or high school?

    I apologize for reacting so strongly, but the rates at which students cheat these days is through the roof.

  5. I”m super sensitive too. I always cry when someone raises their voice at me. I hate my tears and wish I had more control. You are very good at voicing your opinion. I love coming to your blog and checking out what you have written about. I wish I had half the creativity you do. 😉

    As far as negative comments, I get them, I get them in my e-mail too. Esp if I wrote about a company and someone completely disagrees with my post. Sometimes I just hit delete but other times, I really have a hard time ignoring the rants.
    .-= Louise´s last blog ..Ways to Save with the My Savings blog and affiliate program. =-.

  6. My mom always used to tell me just that: “You can’t please everybody”. It’s so true. Blogging really does open some raw wounds if you let it. I am also really sensitive to negative comments (well, not so much negative but intentionally hurtful), so I disabled my blogs “anonymous” commenting. Haven’t had a problem since!

    .-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..I Am Hungover… RIGHT NOW =-.

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