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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

14 thoughts on “Week 1 52 to Fabulous: Fab Beginnings”

  1. These are great! I know I have the same problem with coming up with wants too. I think I may jump in on this, I think it is great OFF to check it out 🙂
    .-= Chrissy´s last blog ..2010 Eccentric WAHM’s Goals =-.

  2. We just did the potty training. The sticker chart got old after a bit. But I did a reward system with a giant empty pretzel jar and fuzzy pom poms. She got 1 for a pee and 2 for a poop and when it was filled above the line I drew she could pick out a toy. And oddly enough she was so enthused by the pom pom she forgot about the toy.

    And thinking of the money you’ll save not buying diapers or pull ups!

  3. Very nice, well those might as well be very specific goals for this year, although im not one who follows resolutions to a T, or even one for that matter, i do support people who at least have the intention, especially healthwise.
    .-= PorkStar´s last blog ..2010, new year and a lame untittled post. =-.

  4. You have some great goals. And hopefully looking at them one at a time will make them seem more manageable. Thanks for playing along! I think it’s going to be a great year!
    .-= Linda´s last blog ..52 to Fabulous! Week 1, What a Girl Wants =-.

  5. Those are all great wants! I know you will get everything you deserve and more because you’re such a great person!

    Best wishes to you on 52 to Fab! I am participating too =)

  6. I need to work on my BMI, as well. I sure do miss the good ol’ days, you know, before BMI was invented by some hair-brained MAN!!!!! 😉 Hehe.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do this year!
    .-= Desiree @ Writing to Sanity´s last blog ..52 to Fabulous: Week 1 =-.

  7. If it would help you, I find that tweeting about it to #easactive and #mamavation everytime I get done working out keeps me motivated and helps me remember to do it. And writing about it every Monday for #mamavation as part of the sistahood pledge helps me become accountable to my own fitness goals.

    You’re on the right track… Keep it up!
    .-= Fitness Family´s last blog ..Fitness Family 2010 =-.

  8. I remember way back when I was in High School and wore I size 7, I thought I was fat. Now several sizes bigger (100lbs overweight) I really need to lose this weight. I never lost the weight I gained by having a 12lb 2.5oz baby. Now that he is almost 18 I really need to lose this weight.
    .-= Joyful´s last blog ..Chocolate Lovers Ideal Fictional Book =-.

  9. Hi Brandy! I am participating in 52 to Fab too! These are some great goals! I totally feel you on ALL of them. Well except the potty training. …Unless you think 14 months is old enough to start. lol 🙂 Hope we can support each other in achieving some of them! ((hugs))
    .-= Erin´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Stuck =-.

  10. […] were suppose to have worked on at least one of our wants from last week, I have been working on becoming financially independent. Tracking my revenue earned from my blog, […]

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