Honestly, who cares if so and so doesn’t agree with how you live your life or the actions you take towards ensuring you are living life the way you want? Reality is even I am guilty for allowing others opinions to influence my actions, I don’t want to upset my family nor friends. I don’t like seeing someone upset with me, it sucks, but that is life and you will not please everyone. If you do please everyone I so want to see if you are living your life to the fullest potential and still happy. If so, please share your secret!
There are times in our life when we will be faced with tough decisions, some of which will affect our little munchkins in our life and those decisions are ones that should not be made lightly. There is a cute little high school way I used to determine if a decision was best for me or not, and this can hold true even in adult life, a pros and cons list.
I am serious, get out that pen and paper right now and jot down on the top the word Pros on the left and Cons on the right, then draw a line down the middle. Literally sit down and write all the pros and cons of the decision you must make, from there gather the list and really review this list. If you find that some of your cons are not in all reality a “con” then cross it off, same goes for the pros. Eventually you will have a list in front of you that weighs out the positive and the negative of this decision.
I am sure you know where I am going with this next …. if the list has more pros than cons, maybe just maybe you should rethink your decision and work on the cons list to make them disappear. If your list has more cons than pros on it, well I am sorry to tell you that this decision weighing heavy on your chest is one that should be made and even though it will be hard to begin with, let it be known that your life in the long run will turn out to be more positive and happier because you were able to weigh the pros and cons thus being able to determine the best resolution.
Good luck on living your life to the fullest, I know you can do it! What are some techniques you use to make decisions, even if they are as simple as what to have for dinner?
that is a good way to make a decision have a great week
Are you living Your Life To The Fullest | Happily Blended http://bit.ly/5EApjE
RT @brandyellen: Are you living Your Life To The Fullest | Happily Blended http://bit.ly/5EApjE
I do pros and cons lists too! I also think very carefully about cause and effect!
For dinner I do my meal planning about every two weeks and then shop for it all at once. We decide the meal plan by what we have been craving and also with my recipe stash. I go through and pick things we haven’t had in a while or ever and throw the choices out to my hub. We pick based on the different types of foods (I hate having the same type of thing two nights in a row) and what we feel like. lol