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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

9 thoughts on “Single Married Mom”

  1. I feel like a single married mom… my husband is in the military. I have nothing against this set-up because we talked this over way before we got married.

    We’ve been married for 20years, our boys are already teenagers. And they are not army brats.

    One of the things my husband insisted was for me to grow independently… to be known as ME and not the wife of this military officer. He is a full colonel in the military and soon to be a general.

    I guess communication is really the key. We were proactive so we didn’t have problems.
    .-= Leah´s last blog ..‘Tis blessed to bestow… =-.

  2. I actually sometimes feel that way too! It’s frustrating to see how my husband can just sleep or stay in the couch watching tv for a long time while I choose to tend to the kids. And you’re right, it’s usually a mother’s instinct to CHOOSE to always be with the kids. I can choose to just “chilax” like my husband too, but of course, I don’t.

    In fairness, he does participate most of the time and he’s probably more fun with the kids than I am. I’m probably just jealous that he gets to relax more than I do 🙂
    .-= Fitness Family´s last blog ..Did You Know That… Mom Tips For Losing Belly Fat =-.

  3. I know I was raised by a single married mom.. my dad worked so many hours as a young kid i rarely saw him during the week and when i did he was basically a zombie or just coming or going. and on the weekends he might have been around but he was busy doing some chores or resting up.. that of course was if he wasnt taking on an extra shift..
    .-= Tom@Custom Promotional Products´s last blog ..Promotional Product Fundraising Ideas =-.

  4. This is a real issue in many families. That is why I have a blog dedicated to Married Single Moms. We need all the support we can get while we work to build strong marriages, and raise healthy kids when our husbands are not (cannot or will not be) available.


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