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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

12 thoughts on “My Independent Nature”

  1. Hi neighbor! I live in Saco, Maine. I too was a single mom for about four years, then I remarried; that was 26 years ago. At first I did resent having given up my independence again; resented having to tell someone where I was going and when I’d be back; not having as much “me” time–especially since my husband was a widower and had a son. My kids went to their Dad’s on weekends, but his kid was ALWAYS there. I finally realized that it was a matter of courtesy to let my husband know where I was going and when to expect me back, just so he wouldn’t worry. The kid thing was a lot tougher to deal with, but we got through it. Now the kids are gone, we have grandkids, and we’re retired. I still want “me” time. I have a separate room in my house that is just mine. My computer is there, my sewing machine, and other things I enjoy. I retire to my space frequently–it’s not the same as being independent, but I guess it’s the best of both worlds. I have the companionship of my husband, and solitude when I want it. But I think you’re right; some of us are just more independent than others.
    .-= Eva Gallant´s last blog ..Tiger Woods Holiday Poem =-.

  2. Wow! That’s a lot to think about. I can relate to enjoying your own space and your own time. I have learned to actually look forward to the weeks my husband is going to be out of town because it means my evening after the kids go to bed is all mine to do what I want. But, I must say I miss adult conversation and companionship – like talking over dinner and laughing at the things the kids do. Maybe you just need to find a better balance of alone time to refresh and regroup? I hope you discover what will make you most happy.
    .-= Kate´s last blog ..Fix-It Right! Manny’s Repair Shop Review =-.

  3. I can relate. I often say I am married but you would think i was a single mom. I dot think your selfish. You need to o what is right for you and your kids. chin up.
    .-= sarah @bakenate´s last blog ..1 in 110 kids affected =-.

  4. Being in a committed relationship is hard work. I too am an independent person. Luckily I met a man that was very understanding of that. He lets me feel like I run the show and what I say goes. (Even if it dont) I love that he works a rotating shift and that he isn’t there all the time. I can’t relate to the kids being gone every other weekend tho bacuase my kids have never left my home for visitation with their dad really.

    Have y’all started counseling yet?
    .-= Jessica @ Riding with Jessica´s last blog ..Kids Say The Darndest Things =-.

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brandy, Sarah Gleen. Sarah Gleen said: Independent Mother or Selfish Thoughts | Happily Blended: I find myself longing to be that single Mom again, no.. […]

  6. Any relationship needs a certain amount of commitment and work to sustain. I do feel your need to be independent and have space for yourself. I too have been working a lot on my relationships and trying to get a balance between work/self and family.
    I feel that what you may need is maybe 1-2hrs alone.. maybe out of the house so that you can enjoy your “me time” and destress.

  7. I am just the opposite. I am constantly away from my hubby and I miss the time we used to share together. We were best friends before we actually got together and enjoy each other’s company. I feel like I am raising my children by myself and wish he was here more often.

    I think you need to do what ever makes you and your kiddos happy. Maybe you need a day away once a week to regain your “me time” and independence?
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Keurig Platinum Brewer And K-Cups Review – FREE K-Cups for LIFE Sweepstakes =-.

  8. I can so relate to this. My husband and I were separated for 5 months (2 years ago). I LOVED my weekends alone. I even loved the weeks with the kids but without hubby, although that had more to do with the state of our relationship and constant fighting than any preference for being a single mom. In the end we were able to miraculously work things out and he came back home to see if we could keep it going. We did. I do still secretly miss those weekends alone though.

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