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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “It’s About Time I Told You”

  1. Oh Brandy, I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this! I commend you for being brave enough to make such a huge decision. Hopefully distance will “make the heart grow fonder,” but if it doesn’t, I know you’re strong enough to carry on. My husband and I were dealing with some issues a few months back, and you left me the most uplifting comment on a post I wrote. You told me to “keep my head up and things will get better” and they have, so I’m throwin’ that right back atcha! 🙂 I’m always around if you ever want to talk! (((Hugs)))

  2. I am sorry to hear this. What a tough decision, but ultimately you need to do what is right for you and your family. I will be praying for reconciliation for you guys. Ya never know, maybe God will use this time of separation to show the both of you that you really do love and miss eachother.

    And if not, I know that you will still be ok. There are so many single moms out there making it and I know that you will too.

    Thanks so much for being so open with us and sharing about your struggles. That really means a lot.

    My prayers are with you guys. Lotsa love, DAWN
    .-= Dawn (Painter Mommy)´s last blog ..Small Children and the Time Change Nightmare =-.

  3. GREAT big giant hug. Bless you for following your heart. As you already know, I understand your feelings, completely.

    I am here when ever you need me…

  4. God bless you and yours. May this time apart also help you grow together. And hang onto that limb…..may you be the last ” FRUIT ” IN THE TREE!

  5. Oh wow, I suspected this was what you were leading up too, I wanted so much to email you about it too.

    You won’t find me preaching to ya, I won’t pray for reconcilation, no none that. You have my support and ear to bend if you need another.

    If apart is where you are both happy, the children will respond to that much better than to be with two parents in the same house were they can feel the tension and hurt.

    Too many people stay in relationships because of the children or because of the Church when rightfully they should not be together.

    I admire your strength girl!!! BIG HUGS to You!
    .-= chrissy´s last blog ..Mommy’s Helper Online with Anita DeFrank =-.

  6. Brandy, it takes courage to take the necessary steps to protect your family and sometimes, it is very difficult but with soul searching and hopefully meaningful discussions with all involved, you will know peace and happiness.

    We love your smiling shining personality and want you to know we support you and love you!

  7. Brandy, I admire you so much for opening up to all of us. I know that this is not an easy decision. But happiness is something that shouldn’t be sacrificed. I will be thinking of you and sending you good vibes for strength wherever you need it.
    .-= Sherri @ Luv a Bargain´s last blog ..140 Custom Address Labels for $3 & 100 Custom Postcards for $6 Shipped (Available again) =-.

  8. We will all be here to support you and it was brave of you to post about it. I hope you find peace and happiness through it all.
    .-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Helping Not Hurting =-.

  9. I figured it might come to this. I wish you the best! I know it was a hard decision, but it’s yours. No one else knows what is best for you, but you! {{HUGS}}
    .-= Nancy M.´s last blog ..Making Bread =-.

  10. I am sorry…I hope you both can find some happiness whether it is together or seperate…(((hugs)))
    .-= colleen´s last blog ..Why I need a bedroom makeover =-.

  11. I’m sorry that you are going through all this, but glad that you’re taking action. It’s easy to let life just happen to you and never take charge, and that’s a terrible way to live.

    Who knows, a separation may show you both that there is a way to make it work or it may show you that you are much better off on your own. Either way at least you’ll know.

    Stay strong!
    .-= Tina T´s last blog ..Can Big Age Differences Work? =-.

  12. Brandy, Bless you child. I know the pain your feeling, twice divorced myself, your doing the right thing. Hang strong. You have all of us in this group for advice & prayers.
    .-= Carolyn´s last blog ..Natural Disinfectant Spray Recipe =-.

  13. Me again! You gotta do what you gotta do for you and your family. Believe me, I have been through enough problems with men and relationships don’t make sense to anyone else. That’s fine – it’s YOUR life. My heart is full for you and your children and I hope that you are okay. It’s hard but you will persevere, no matter what – call me if you wanna chat.
    .-= Angie´s last blog ..Your Astrology Guide 2010: Rick and Jeff’s Tips for the Year =-.

  14. Wow, you are so brave to make this tough decision! More power to you for making such a hard decision, though – and for being so honest with your readers. You are one strong lady!
    Have a great weekend~
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Sodastream Giveaway Winner!! =-.

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