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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

9 thoughts on “WordPress Upgrade Equals Mess With Plugins”

  1. I was lucky enough to see a note from a FB friend telling about her upgrade horrors. Since I had just set up my site and didn’t really want to mess with the upgrade I asked her about it and she suggested I just wait. SO glad I did… My computer software developer hubby surely doesn’t want all the drama that will come with me trying to figure it out!
    .-= Jody´s last blog ..Is Your Town Playful? =-.

  2. WordPress Upgrade Equals Mess With Plugins |…

    Well this was until I upgraded to WordPress 2.8. As a person who is married to a computer pro, I should know better than to upgrade until something has been out long enough for all those other programs to catch up. For instance, not all programs are co…

  3. Oh, the wonders of fighting with Word Press. I’ve learned my lesson I don’t upgrade right away anymore. A lot of people don’t upgrade for a while because of various issues with the new version. One time I was down for 2 days after an upgrade.
    .-= Chronic Chick Talk´s last blog ..Hummingbird’s are Great to Watch =-.

  4. When I was using WordPress, I also saw that annoying upgrade at the top of my dashboard and when I clicked on it, before it actually began, I received some kind of warning. This freaked me out so I didn’t do it.

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