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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

7 thoughts on “Embracing Friendship and Community”

  1. I am enjoying my time here so much. The people are super friendly, the area is gorgeous and the weather is wonderful! What a great weekend so far. Plus I can’t forget to mention my wonderful bestfriend and her amazing family that I am getting the chance to spend time with. It’s great and I hate to leave on Monday!
    Love ya…
    .-= MommaDJane´s last blog ..Winner Announced for #7 =-.

  2. I am the one that always says have a nice day in the grocery store even if I’m mad that day. I did that job once and I know how hard it is. In general, the WORLD has gotten ruder and it’s a shame. Where I live is not a city but it’s constantly growing. You’d think that because Maryland is a small state that there’s not a lot of people here, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. with it’s close proximity to DC, Philly, and even New York, it’s a high dollar area and cost of living is high. People are rude. And I pretty much stay to myself. There are a few friends that I am there for, even at 2 am. And now, like you two, I have an online friend – Andrea from Kentucky and although we haven’t met, we chat online every day and talk to each other about anything.

    Thanks for sharing the pics and I’m glad you are enjoying your time together. Make the best of it. 🙂
    .-= Angie´s last blog ..Special Sale at 7/20/09 Only =-.

  3. Remember that elders are young at heart too!!!! Experience every day with a smile fore today is just experience for tomorrow. Very nice article, I can hear the joy in your writing. Wonderful.

  4. New Yorkers are like this – very rude sometimes and always to themselves. I really need to work on this myself – being more friendly to people in grocery stores. I think we just get so caught up with our lives and things we have to do, etc. But you are right, we need to take the time to be a blessing to those around us. Thanks for the great post. I am so glad you are having a nice time with your friend. I love seeing the pictures.

    I hope she has a safe trip home today!

    .-= Dawn (Painter Mommy)´s last blog ..Contemplation on Life’s Uncertainty =-.

  5. A smile and telling someone to have a great day or “be blessed” just makes the sky bluer and the sun brighter! Some people just like to be engaged while others don’t. Sadly, it’s their loss when they don’t want to sprinkle kindness like seeds to see good things grow!

    What a nice post!
    .-= maryleigh´s last blog ..♥ The Discipline of Squats =-.

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