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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

10 thoughts on “Successful Blog Tips & Who is Your Virtual Best Friend”

  1. These are some really good strategies. I haven’t had time to really comment much on other blogs. But 2009 is a new year with new direction. Going to work towards accomplishing some of your suggestions!

  2. I have to admit that I don’t always make time to comment on other blogs. I usually try to comment on the blogs of the people who comment on mine, but I’d really like to get more involved with other blogs. If I could learn to live without any sleep I might just be able to do it 🙂

  3. Well put girl! There is nothing like “Virtual Friends”. And building those relationships is definitely the same as building them in the real world. You have to put out the effort. You have to give love and attention.

    A big thing for me is to remember what others are going through and make mention of those things by asking how they are doing. I subscribe to several blogs and often comment on each one. Showing support to other blogs can ultimately build your own.

    And Brandy – Yes, Twitter is where it’s at!! That is where I met you and several other wonderful virtual friends! I am so grateful for the many opportunities that have come my way through my Twitter friends.

    Thanks so much for sharing this post. I was thinking about this same subject last night. You totally read my mind! LOL

    Thanks for being a TRUE virtual friend!!


  4. Hi. I always comment on other people's pages, but they don't always leave me comments. I find new blogs everyday (from SITS & other sites) & leave comments if I like the blog. I'm not too into Twitter, but love checking out blogs.

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    […] Successful Blog Tips & Who is Your Virtual Best Friend | Happily Blended – view page – cached Good Morning! As I was laying in bed last night thinking about tonights #gno party on twitter and my session at Rock Your Blog, I realized that a blog can only, Good Morning! As I was laying in bed last night thinking about tonights #gno party on twitter and my session at Rock Your Blog, I realized that a blog can only — From the page […]

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