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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

8 thoughts on “Fear of Flying”

  1. I wish you could make it to BlogHer but either way I know I will meet you one day! Missing you while I’m at BlissDom, wish you were here!

  2. More and more, I’m wondering how I’m going to be able to afford it, too! For me, though, it’s only a three hour drive. Sorry I won’t get to meet you!

    Thanks for checking in and sending your new address. Love your new digs! 🙂

  3. I have always wanted to go to some of the conferences I hear about, but they are always pretty far away. Fear of flying does not play a factor with me (except if I have to bring the kids *cringe*). Mostly I can never attend because of funds. Plane tickets are expensive, and now so is gas. A few times though, when gas prices were cheaper we had planned trips to a few of the conferences and they would have been doable. I grew up moving a lot and driving A LOT more. I never actually flew anywhere until I was 19, and even though it was a horrendous experience because I was alone and then trapped in the Chicago Airport due to a blizzard, I still flew again (a couple of times).

    I’m sorry you have this fear that is hindering you, but you can always find ways around it if your financial situation can allow. Good luck, and don’t feel bad. You are not alone.

  4. I feel your pain! I haven’t flown since 1991-I used to fly all the time..I never had any bad flights, so there’s no reason I all of a sudden got this fear! I had to go to a hypnotist once just to be able to fly back home. I truly believe you’re safer in a plane than you are driving, yet I still can’t get the nerve up to fly! I need to make that a goal…get on a plane!

  5. Don’t you worry girl. Flying can be scary, especially with all that happened on 9/11. I have been nervous about flying since then. I am also very jealous of my friends who are at Blissdom, but I am sure they will come home with lots of great stuff to share with those of us unable to go. Thanks so much for your honesty and sharing with us!


  6. Aha! Now I understand why, you are not able to participate in TBTS ’09! Brandy, I had no idea. Here is how I got over my fear! I joined the travel industry *lol*. Yes! I also, was afraid to fly. I drove everywhere! CA, FL, TX all the way from NJ. I can’t tell you any other way to get over it other than just do it! PRAY all the way!! DH is right you are safer in the air, than on ground. I hope that God bless you & your family, so that you can afford to attend events. Attend the big events, that’s where the real networking begins. Sorry, that I heard about Blissdom ’09 too late, maybe next year we’ll meet there! Let me know how/if I can help. Looking forward to meeting you at TBTS ’09 bring the family! Drive or Fly! Hope that you decide to fly:-)

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