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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

5 thoughts on “Refusal To Give Child Hot Lunch”

  1. I thought the lunches were crap while I was a student, though more from a taste standpoint than nutrition back then. Nowadays I see how much junk they feed kids, and it’s just sickening. How can you expect a child to learn effectively if their bodies and brains are running on trash? Too many calories, insulin surges, and a distinct lack of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients creates a poor environment for information retention. It just seems counterproductive.

    We homeschool, so there isn’t the problem of school lunches for us. Family members “treating” the girls to sweets and junk five or six times a day when they visit is another matter. They just can’t seem to notice or understand the effect that kind of food can have on a child, even slim ones with their father’s hummingbird like metabolism. They might not gain Weight, but it certainly affects their behavior, mood, and if continued for a couple of days, increases their allergy issues. Not to mention how it makes them just want more and more junk.

    1. I was happy that my daughter, who is now almost 9, actually had no clue about sweets until she was maybe 4 years old. I was able to keep that away from her. My second child, a boy who is now 5, loves veggies & fruits, and even though he knows what sweets are he actually prefers those over anything else. What I do is I don’t buy foods that I don’t want them to have. I may not be a big veggie and fruit eater, but I am trying so that I can show by example to my children đŸ™‚ My five year old has amazing metabolism. My youngest is a boy, age 3, and he is a mix, picks and chooses. I am thankful that the three year old drinks Ovaltine for chocolate milk on occasion as a treat, as that is better for him than the sugary chocolate syrup type chocolate milk. They can have sweets and junk on occasion but it’s rare since it’s not something I would normally purchase for the household.

  2. I haven’t seen the show, but I found cold lunches to be less expensive so I went that route. However, I also allowed them to have hot lunches when they were going to serve something special, like Thanksgiving meal, or something that they particularly liked.

  3. First I love Jamie snd the food revolution. This is my oldests first year in full day school (first grade) and I send a cold lunch everyday. School lunches are all highly processed junk and I won’t let my kids eat it.

    I am sorry your daughter is mad at you. But you agreed to once a week and now she is getting it twice what you agreed upon so she should be happy. But it is hard for kids to understand that we do things like this for their own good.

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